Minggu, 31 Juli 2016

                 Pura Punataran Sasih,according to Balinese mythology : at beginning of the world there were 7 moons,besides the moon the people can see in the sky.One of the seven moons had fallen down to the earth,shining brightly which made the world have no night so it was difficult for thieves to do their work.http://balikaryatransport.com/One of the thieves then urinated upon that fallen moon to extinguish it.
                 The moon that spoken above is the moon of Pejeng village.Actually it is a big bronze drum from about 300 BC and believed by locals are sacred and put on a higher shrine in the inner yard of the temple of Penataran Sasih.http://balikaryatransport.com/
                   Yeh pulu terletak di desa Bedulu.kecamatan Blahbatuh kabupaten Gianyar.http://balikaryatransport.com/ Dari pertigaan Bedulu,kita memasuki sebuah desa yang mengarahkan ke Yeh pulu Relief.Sebelum sampai ke obyek ini,kita jalan kaki kira kira 200 meter karena jalannya kecil diantara sawah.http://balikaryatransport.com/
                   Yeh Pulu diukir di sebuah dinding batu yang keras dekat sungai Petanu.Di selatan kita bisa menemukan sebuah tempat meditasi.Diantara tempat meditasi dan relief,ada sebuah patung Ganesa menurut bentuk dan typenya,dan bisa dikatakan relief ini di buat pada abad  XIV.Cukup banyak pengunjung dan siswa  mendatangi tempat ini baik domestik maupun dari manca negara yang ingin belajar tentang arkeologi.http://balikaryatransport.com/

Sabtu, 30 Juli 2016

                     Goa Gajah it is located in the village of  Bedulu,Blahbatuh district,Gianyar regency.http://balikaryatransport.com/In the beginning in this places only known by the local before announced to the public in 1923. Its story cant be detected but it can be proved that it was built in 11 th century between 950 and 1050 AD.Most probably arround the year 1000AD.When Bali was ruled by the King Udayana.http://balikaryatransport.com/In side T shape is found several niches.Perhaps they are used by the adepts to put their belongings while they were meditating.At one of ends of this cave there is a Ganesa statue,the God of science.And in other part we can find a triple Lingga.the simbol of male souverignty.In fron of the cave is the bathing place divided into 3 parts,by walls and decorated by 6 big stone statues.This place was found in 1954.The name of Goa Gajah derived from the book written by Mpu Prapanca in 1365 "Negara Kerta Gama" which tell us about the name of 2 places Bedulu and Goa Gajah(elephanty Cave)GOA GAJAH

                       Batubulan had been known since long time by the tourist because its handycrafts namely statues that made of sand stone.IT can be seen along the road of Batubulan.Batubulan is combination of the name "Batu"(stone) with the name of Biaung village.In the period of Bali King,the people of Biaung village made stone carving that was done for months.So that Biaung village finally known as the name Batubulan.http://balikaryatransport.com/
                       This place become more fomous with increasing number of touris come to Bali.Every day we can see Barong performences here and in the evening kecak dance.Batubulan also centre of Batik.http://balikaryatransport.com/


           Celuk is fomous its silver and gold smiths.These silver and gold smiths do their work in modern designs when they are odered.http://balikaryatransport.com/Along the main road we can see a lot of art shops.Each art shops has a work shop where the visitors can see the artisants make their work.The village of Celuk it self on the both side of main road.Before arriving at the village of Sukawati we find a long bridge.http://balikaryatransport.com/Beside it there a smeller road to the village of Guang and Ketewel.Guang is fomous for Garuda statue.At Ketewel we find T junction.The road to left goes to the beach.The beach is believed to be sacred place.It is often used by the Balinese people to purify temples paraphernalia.http://balikaryatransport.com/

Jumat, 29 Juli 2016


                    Sukawati located  in Gianyar regency,it is about 14 km from Denpasar Sukawati market is very busy everyday especially in the morning when people sell and buy all kinds of goods there such as ; fruit,cakes,vegetables,ceremonial implements and so on.Not so far from Sukawati market there is an art market a place where the artist sell handycrafts st reasonable prices.http://balikaryatransport.com.The unique of this market is visited by mostly art shops owners and hawkers.Who look for handycraft here because in this place they are cheaper.Almost all kinds of Balinese souvenirs are found here and buyers must arrive here very early between 06am -10am .Besides that in the village of Sukawati we also can find the people make temple or dancing implements and leathre puppet.http://balikaryatransport.com/
           Desa Batuan salah satu desa yang terkenal dengan tari tradisionalnya seperti tari Gambuh,tari Topeng dan lain sebagainya.Batuan juga terkenal dengan lukisan tradisionalnya yang sangat berbeda dari lukisan lainnya yang yang ada di bali.Disini juga bisa ditemukan kerajin tenun.Tuan Jimat adalah penari terkenal di desa ini.Dia sudah pernah pentas di luar negeri beberapa kali.Baru baru ini sudah banyak art shop di sepanjang jalan dan juga penginapan.
Disamping itu di desa Batuan masih ada rumah yang berumur ratusan tahun yang masih di pertahankan oleh pemiliknya meski rumah penduduk lainnya sudah modern mengikuti zaman.Selain itu,dilokasi wisata ini terdapat sebuah pura yaitu pura puseh,selain sebagai tempat suci,pura ini sangat bersejarah.berdasarkan sebuah prasasti,pura ini di bangun pada tahu saka 944 atau 9020 masehi,pada zaman dinasti Warmadewa.Pura ini sangat artistik dan menawan.
BATUAN Wisatawan yang ingin berkunjung ke ke pura ini,pihak pengelola sudah menyediakan parkir,publik toilet,dan warung warung yang menyediakan makanan dan minuman.Desa Batuan tidak jauh dari kota denpasar,kira kira 15 km.http://balikaryatransport.com/

Senin, 25 Juli 2016

Mas Village
                 It is about 20 km from Denpasar.The condition of the way is well enough and it can be reached by all kinds of vehicles.Mas village is one of the tourist resorts in the regency of Gianyar.This village is famous for is wood carvings which made of local wood or ebony wood that is imported from sulawesi
                 The fomous wood carvers here are the late Ida Bagus Nyana and son Ida Bagus Tilem.Along the road we can find a lot of art shops that sell many kinds of wood carvings.On the left or on the right of the road we can also see rice fields,so we can make a conclusion that the live of Mas people not only as wood carvers but also as farmers.
                 A lot of visitors come to this village every day they want to see or to buy wood carvings and to see the people there how to make wood carvings.MAS VILLAGE


              Peliatan It is located in the touris resort between Mas village and Ubud.It is easy to be reached by all kinds of vehicle.Peliatan is one of tourist resort in Bali since long time.It is famaous for its Legong Keraton dance and its gong group .They had gone abroud for several times,in 1931 they performed their skill to France,in 1951 to USA and in 1971 to Australia.They are the first of art group in Bali who performed their skill abroud.The fasilities : home stays,restaurants,the place dancing that is taugh by experienced dancer.http://balikaryatransport.com/http://balikaryatransport.com/
              In this village we can also find the people make wood carvings or paintings.The visitor are crowded enough either domestic or foreign visitors.PELIATANPELIATAN

Senin, 18 Juli 2016

          Ubud is a district,formerly was a small kingdom but it has become famous tourist resort nowdays.The develovment of this village had begun with the arrival of Walter Spies,a Moskow born a German artist in the year of twenties and he established an art group called : Pitamaha. Later Rudolf Bonnet,a Dutch painter was appointed by the institution of the museum to manage the traditional painting gallery in this village which now is known as Puri Lukisan Museum.Here the best traditional paintings are kept.
         Ubud is also famous for Campuan river.Campuan means the meeting of two rivers,besides that in the Southern part of Ubud about 1 km we can find a new object is called : Mongkey Forest.In this place we can see a lot of mongkeys.Ubud